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Apr 18, 2016 - Shiurim added - Rav Shurkin on Bitul Chometz and Rav Reisman Hilchos Pesach.
  Shiur 122 B'inyan Bitul Chometz V'devorim She'b'lev Einom Devovim (Teshuvos RA''E Siman 23). Given on Apr 3 2016 by Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin. Hilchos Pesach, Mishna Berurah Siman 447:9-10. Given Apr 17, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Haftora Shabbos Hagadol Shiur 1 and 2. Given the week of Apr 11, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Mishmar Shiur 66 on Mesechtas Avodah Zarah Daf 35B The difference between Hagadah and Sepur. Given on Apr 14, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Hilchos Tumas Kohen, Last Shiur, Shiur 13 Yoreh Deah 374:10-11. Given on Apr 10, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Rav Moshe Aharon Friedman on Purim. Given Mar 23, 2016. Shiur 119 B'din Al Kol Korboncha Takriv Melach, B'inyan Korbon Oileh V'yoired. Given on Mar 13 2016 by Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin. Rav Reisman on Parshas Tetzaveh Given Feb 19, 2016. High Level Shiurim on Choshen Mishpat on Hilchos Shomrim. Completion of Hilchos Shomrim Twenty Four Shiurim. Given by Rav Yosef Friedman, Mir Yerushaliam. HaGoan HaRav Shmuel Brudny Zeichor Tzadek Vekodosh Levracha on Meschetas Yevamos. There are many Shiurim missing from the beginning of Yevamos. Please get in touch with this web site if you have any or if you know of anyone who has recordings of the missing Shiurim and be Mezakeh the Rabbim Yoreh Deah Shiurim Sets given by Rav Reisman. Added Hilchos Niddah given during 5773 and 5774 and Hilchos Melicha. Rav Belsky 9 Shiurim on Parshas Berashis with the Perush of the Ramban. Given 2010 to 2011. Topics in Halacha by Rav Wiesenfeld, Four Shiurim on Sefiras HaOmer Rav Wiesenfeld is Rosh Kollel and Rav at Yeshivas Ateret Yerushalayim and Author of Kashrus in the Kitchen. 48 Shiurim on Dah Mah Shetasiv LeApekoris given by Rav Yisroel Belsky SHLIT"A. 48 Shiurim in one zip file for easy downloading, 425 Megabytes. CD Set of Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth Zip file of all the Shiurim given on Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. CD Sets of all the Shiurim given on Gemorah by Rav Reisman which includes Pesachim, Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, Bava Basra, Makos, Yevamos, Kesubos, Gittin and Kedushin Zip files for all the Gemorah Shiurim by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. CD Set of Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Yisroel Reisman Zip file of all the Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. Hilchos Basar VCholov CD Set, Yoreh Deah Siman 87 - 97 Shiur 1 - 33 compressed as a zip file (457 MB) From Rav Yisroel Reisman. Also see: Hilchos Mikvah, Yoreh Deah Siman 201 Introduction to the construction of a Mikvah (Yoreh Deah 201) from Rav Yisroel Reisman. Shmuel Aleph and Shmuel Beis From Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. Hilchos Niddah Yoreh Deah Set of 47 Shiurim given by Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah Hilchos Niddah during 5773-5774. From Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah (Partial list) Hilchos Basar V'Cholov Yoreh Deah 87-97 Hilchos Ta'aruvos Yoreh Deah 98-109 Hilchos Melicha Yoreh Deah 69-73 Hilchos Macholos AKUM Yoreh Deah 112-115 . From Rav Yisroel Reisman, Blatt Shiurim on the following Masechtos Masechta Kesubos Masechta Gittin Masechta Kiddushin Masechta Bava Kama Masechta Bava Metzia Masechta Bava Basra Masechta Makos Masechta Pesachim Masechta Yevamos Chinuch HaBonim Exceptional Shiurim From Rav Yisroel Belsky. Please note that to go directly to the current Shiur click on the Shiur from the list of Shiurim on the right.
Apr 17, 2016 - Shiurim added - Rav Reisman Hilchos Pesach, on Haftora Shabbos Hagadol Shiur 1 and 2, Mishmar Mesechtas Avodah Zarah.
  Hilchos Pesach, Mishna Berurah Siman 447:9-10. Given Apr 17, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Haftora Shabbos Hagadol Shiur 1 and 2. Given the week of Apr 11, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Mishmar Shiur 66 on Mesechtas Avodah Zarah Daf 35B The difference between Hagadah and Sepur. Given on Apr 14, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Hilchos Tumas Kohen, Last Shiur, Shiur 13 Yoreh Deah 374:10-11. Given on Apr 10, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Shiur 120 and 121. Shiur 120 Ktzas BeHilchos Purim and Shiur 121 BeDinei Kohanim BeMikdosh. Given on Mar 20 and 27 2016 by Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin. Rav Moshe Aharon Friedman on Purim. Given Mar 23, 2016. Shiur 119 B'din Al Kol Korboncha Takriv Melach, B'inyan Korbon Oileh V'yoired. Given on Mar 13 2016 by Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin. Rav Reisman on Parshas Tetzaveh Given Feb 19, 2016. High Level Shiurim on Choshen Mishpat on Hilchos Shomrim. Completion of Hilchos Shomrim Twenty Four Shiurim. Given by Rav Yosef Friedman, Mir Yerushaliam. HaGoan HaRav Shmuel Brudny Zeichor Tzadek Vekodosh Levracha on Meschetas Yevamos. There are many Shiurim missing from the beginning of Yevamos. Please get in touch with this web site if you have any or if you know of anyone who has recordings of the missing Shiurim and be Mezakeh the Rabbim Yoreh Deah Shiurim Sets given by Rav Reisman. Added Hilchos Niddah given during 5773 and 5774 and Hilchos Melicha. Rav Belsky 9 Shiurim on Parshas Berashis with the Perush of the Ramban. Given 2010 to 2011. Topics in Halacha by Rav Wiesenfeld, Four Shiurim on Sefiras HaOmer Rav Wiesenfeld is Rosh Kollel and Rav at Yeshivas Ateret Yerushalayim and Author of Kashrus in the Kitchen. 48 Shiurim on Dah Mah Shetasiv LeApekoris given by Rav Yisroel Belsky SHLIT"A. 48 Shiurim in one zip file for easy downloading, 425 Megabytes. CD Set of Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth Zip file of all the Shiurim given on Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. CD Sets of all the Shiurim given on Gemorah by Rav Reisman which includes Pesachim, Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, Bava Basra, Makos, Yevamos, Kesubos, Gittin and Kedushin Zip files for all the Gemorah Shiurim by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. CD Set of Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Yisroel Reisman Zip file of all the Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. Hilchos Basar VCholov CD Set, Yoreh Deah Siman 87 - 97 Shiur 1 - 33 compressed as a zip file (457 MB) From Rav Yisroel Reisman. Also see: Hilchos Mikvah, Yoreh Deah Siman 201 Introduction to the construction of a Mikvah (Yoreh Deah 201) from Rav Yisroel Reisman. Shmuel Aleph and Shmuel Beis From Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. Hilchos Niddah Yoreh Deah Set of 47 Shiurim given by Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah Hilchos Niddah during 5773-5774. From Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah (Partial list) Hilchos Basar V'Cholov Yoreh Deah 87-97 Hilchos Ta'aruvos Yoreh Deah 98-109 Hilchos Melicha Yoreh Deah 69-73 Hilchos Macholos AKUM Yoreh Deah 112-115 . From Rav Yisroel Reisman, Blatt Shiurim on the following Masechtos Masechta Kesubos Masechta Gittin Masechta Kiddushin Masechta Bava Kama Masechta Bava Metzia Masechta Bava Basra Masechta Makos Masechta Pesachim Masechta Yevamos Chinuch HaBonim Exceptional Shiurim From Rav Yisroel Belsky. Please note that to go directly to the current Shiur click on the Shiur from the list of Shiurim on the right.
Apr 15, 2016 - Shiurim added - Rav Reisman on Haftora Shabbos Hagadol Shiur 1 and 2, Mishmar Mesechtas Avodah Zarah, Hilchos Tumas Kohen and Rav Shurkin on Teshuvos Rav Akiva Eiger.
  Haftora Shabbos Hagadol Shiur 1 and 2. Given the week of Apr 11, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Mishmar Shiur 66 on Mesechtas Avodah Zarah Daf 35B The difference between Hagadah and Sepur. Given on Apr 14, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Hilchos Tumas Kohen, Last Shiur, Shiur 13 Yoreh Deah 374:10-11. Given on Apr 10, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Shiur 120 and 121. Shiur 120 Ktzas BeHilchos Purim and Shiur 121 BeDinei Kohanim BeMikdosh. Given on Mar 20 and 27 2016 by Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin. Rav Moshe Aharon Friedman on Purim. Given Mar 23, 2016. Shiur 119 B'din Al Kol Korboncha Takriv Melach, B'inyan Korbon Oileh V'yoired. Given on Mar 13 2016 by Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin. Rav Reisman on Parshas Tetzaveh Given Feb 19, 2016. High Level Shiurim on Choshen Mishpat on Hilchos Shomrim. Completion of Hilchos Shomrim Twenty Four Shiurim. Given by Rav Yosef Friedman, Mir Yerushaliam. HaGoan HaRav Shmuel Brudny Zeichor Tzadek Vekodosh Levracha on Meschetas Yevamos. There are many Shiurim missing from the beginning of Yevamos. Please get in touch with this web site if you have any or if you know of anyone who has recordings of the missing Shiurim and be Mezakeh the Rabbim Yoreh Deah Shiurim Sets given by Rav Reisman. Added Hilchos Niddah given during 5773 and 5774 and Hilchos Melicha. Rav Belsky 9 Shiurim on Parshas Berashis with the Perush of the Ramban. Given 2010 to 2011. Topics in Halacha by Rav Wiesenfeld, Four Shiurim on Sefiras HaOmer Rav Wiesenfeld is Rosh Kollel and Rav at Yeshivas Ateret Yerushalayim and Author of Kashrus in the Kitchen. 48 Shiurim on Dah Mah Shetasiv LeApekoris given by Rav Yisroel Belsky SHLIT"A. 48 Shiurim in one zip file for easy downloading, 425 Megabytes. CD Set of Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth Zip file of all the Shiurim given on Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. CD Sets of all the Shiurim given on Gemorah by Rav Reisman which includes Pesachim, Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, Bava Basra, Makos, Yevamos, Kesubos, Gittin and Kedushin Zip files for all the Gemorah Shiurim by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. CD Set of Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Yisroel Reisman Zip file of all the Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. Hilchos Basar VCholov CD Set, Yoreh Deah Siman 87 - 97 Shiur 1 - 33 compressed as a zip file (457 MB) From Rav Yisroel Reisman. Also see: Hilchos Mikvah, Yoreh Deah Siman 201 Introduction to the construction of a Mikvah (Yoreh Deah 201) from Rav Yisroel Reisman. Shmuel Aleph and Shmuel Beis From Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. Hilchos Niddah Yoreh Deah Set of 47 Shiurim given by Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah Hilchos Niddah during 5773-5774. From Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah (Partial list) Hilchos Basar V'Cholov Yoreh Deah 87-97 Hilchos Ta'aruvos Yoreh Deah 98-109 Hilchos Melicha Yoreh Deah 69-73 Hilchos Macholos AKUM Yoreh Deah 112-115 . From Rav Yisroel Reisman, Blatt Shiurim on the following Masechtos Masechta Kesubos Masechta Gittin Masechta Kiddushin Masechta Bava Kama Masechta Bava Metzia Masechta Bava Basra Masechta Makos Masechta Pesachim Masechta Yevamos Chinuch HaBonim Exceptional Shiurim From Rav Yisroel Belsky. Please note that to go directly to the current Shiur click on the Shiur from the list of Shiurim on the right.
Apr 10, 2016 - Shiurim added - Rav Reisman Hilchos Tumas Kohen, on Haftora Parshas Hachodesh, Mishmar Mesechtes Avodah Zarah and Rav Shurkin on Teshuvos Rav Akiva Eiger.
  Hilchos Tumas Kohen, Last Shiur, Shiur 13 Yoreh Deah 374:10-11. Given on Apr 10, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Shiur 120 and 121. Shiur 120 Ktzas BeHilchos Purim and Shiur 121 BeDinei Kohanim BeMikdosh. Given on Mar 20 and 27 2016 by Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin. Haftora Parshas HaChodesh Shiur 1 and 2. Given the week of Apr 4, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Mishmar Shiur 65 on Mesechtas Avodah Zarah Daf 35A Pachad Yitzchok Dodi. Given on Apr 7, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Rav Moshe Aharon Friedman on Purim. Given Mar 23, 2016. Shiur 119 B'din Al Kol Korboncha Takriv Melach, B'inyan Korbon Oileh V'yoired. Given on Mar 13 2016 by Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin. Rav Reisman on Parshas Tetzaveh Given Feb 19, 2016. High Level Shiurim on Choshen Mishpat on Hilchos Shomrim. Completion of Hilchos Shomrim Twenty Four Shiurim. Given by Rav Yosef Friedman, Mir Yerushaliam. HaGoan HaRav Shmuel Brudny Zeichor Tzadek Vekodosh Levracha on Meschetas Yevamos. There are many Shiurim missing from the beginning of Yevamos. Please get in touch with this web site if you have any or if you know of anyone who has recordings of the missing Shiurim and be Mezakeh the Rabbim Yoreh Deah Shiurim Sets given by Rav Reisman. Added Hilchos Niddah given during 5773 and 5774 and Hilchos Melicha. Rav Belsky 9 Shiurim on Parshas Berashis with the Perush of the Ramban. Given 2010 to 2011. Topics in Halacha by Rav Wiesenfeld, Four Shiurim on Sefiras HaOmer Rav Wiesenfeld is Rosh Kollel and Rav at Yeshivas Ateret Yerushalayim and Author of Kashrus in the Kitchen. 48 Shiurim on Dah Mah Shetasiv LeApekoris given by Rav Yisroel Belsky SHLIT"A. 48 Shiurim in one zip file for easy downloading, 425 Megabytes. CD Set of Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth Zip file of all the Shiurim given on Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. CD Sets of all the Shiurim given on Gemorah by Rav Reisman which includes Pesachim, Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, Bava Basra, Makos, Yevamos, Kesubos, Gittin and Kedushin Zip files for all the Gemorah Shiurim by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. CD Set of Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Yisroel Reisman Zip file of all the Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. Hilchos Basar VCholov CD Set, Yoreh Deah Siman 87 - 97 Shiur 1 - 33 compressed as a zip file (457 MB) From Rav Yisroel Reisman. Also see: Hilchos Mikvah, Yoreh Deah Siman 201 Introduction to the construction of a Mikvah (Yoreh Deah 201) from Rav Yisroel Reisman. Shmuel Aleph and Shmuel Beis From Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. Hilchos Niddah Yoreh Deah Set of 47 Shiurim given by Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah Hilchos Niddah during 5773-5774. From Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah (Partial list) Hilchos Basar V'Cholov Yoreh Deah 87-97 Hilchos Ta'aruvos Yoreh Deah 98-109 Hilchos Melicha Yoreh Deah 69-73 Hilchos Macholos AKUM Yoreh Deah 112-115 . From Rav Yisroel Reisman, Blatt Shiurim on the following Masechtos Masechta Kesubos Masechta Gittin Masechta Kiddushin Masechta Bava Kama Masechta Bava Metzia Masechta Bava Basra Masechta Makos Masechta Pesachim Masechta Yevamos Chinuch HaBonim Exceptional Shiurim From Rav Yisroel Belsky. Please note that to go directly to the current Shiur click on the Shiur from the list of Shiurim on the right.
Apr 3, 2016 - Shiurim added - Rav Reisman Hilchos Tumas Kohen, on Haftora Parshas Parah, Mishmar Mesechtes Avodah Zarah, Hilchos Tumas Kohen, Rabbi Friedman Purim.
  Hilchos Tumas Kohen, Shiur 12 Yoreh Deah 374:6. Given on Apr 3, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Haftora Parshas Para Shiur 1, 2 and 3. Given the week of Mar 28, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Mishmar Shiur 64 on Mesechtas Avodah Zarah Daf 34B Grape Seed Oil. Given on Mar 31, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Rav Moshe Aharon Friedman on Purim. Given Mar 23, 2016. Shiur 119 B'din Al Kol Korboncha Takriv Melach, B'inyan Korbon Oileh V'yoired. Given on Mar 13 2016 by Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin. Rav Reisman on Parshas Tetzaveh Given Feb 19, 2016. High Level Shiurim on Choshen Mishpat on Hilchos Shomrim. Completion of Hilchos Shomrim Twenty Four Shiurim. Given by Rav Yosef Friedman, Mir Yerushaliam. HaGoan HaRav Shmuel Brudny Zeichor Tzadek Vekodosh Levracha on Meschetas Yevamos. There are many Shiurim missing from the beginning of Yevamos. Please get in touch with this web site if you have any or if you know of anyone who has recordings of the missing Shiurim and be Mezakeh the Rabbim Yoreh Deah Shiurim Sets given by Rav Reisman. Added Hilchos Niddah given during 5773 and 5774 and Hilchos Melicha. Rav Belsky 9 Shiurim on Parshas Berashis with the Perush of the Ramban. Given 2010 to 2011. Topics in Halacha by Rav Wiesenfeld, Four Shiurim on Sefiras HaOmer Rav Wiesenfeld is Rosh Kollel and Rav at Yeshivas Ateret Yerushalayim and Author of Kashrus in the Kitchen. 48 Shiurim on Dah Mah Shetasiv LeApekoris given by Rav Yisroel Belsky SHLIT"A. 48 Shiurim in one zip file for easy downloading, 425 Megabytes. CD Set of Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth Zip file of all the Shiurim given on Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. CD Sets of all the Shiurim given on Gemorah by Rav Reisman which includes Pesachim, Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, Bava Basra, Makos, Yevamos, Kesubos, Gittin and Kedushin Zip files for all the Gemorah Shiurim by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. CD Set of Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Yisroel Reisman Zip file of all the Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. Hilchos Basar VCholov CD Set, Yoreh Deah Siman 87 - 97 Shiur 1 - 33 compressed as a zip file (457 MB) From Rav Yisroel Reisman. Also see: Hilchos Mikvah, Yoreh Deah Siman 201 Introduction to the construction of a Mikvah (Yoreh Deah 201) from Rav Yisroel Reisman. Shmuel Aleph and Shmuel Beis From Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. Hilchos Niddah Yoreh Deah Set of 47 Shiurim given by Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah Hilchos Niddah during 5773-5774. From Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah (Partial list) Hilchos Basar V'Cholov Yoreh Deah 87-97 Hilchos Ta'aruvos Yoreh Deah 98-109 Hilchos Melicha Yoreh Deah 69-73 Hilchos Macholos AKUM Yoreh Deah 112-115 . From Rav Yisroel Reisman, Blatt Shiurim on the following Masechtos Masechta Kesubos Masechta Gittin Masechta Kiddushin Masechta Bava Kama Masechta Bava Metzia Masechta Bava Basra Masechta Makos Masechta Pesachim Masechta Yevamos Chinuch HaBonim Exceptional Shiurim From Rav Yisroel Belsky. Please note that to go directly to the current Shiur click on the Shiur from the list of Shiurim on the right.
Mar 29, 2016 - Shiurim added - Rav Reisman on Haftora Parshas Parah, Mishmar Mesechtes Avodah Zarah, Hilchos Tumas Kohen, Rabbi Friedman Purim.
  Haftora Parshas Para Shiur 1, 2 and 3. Given the week of Mar 28, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Mishmar Shiur 64 on Mesechtas Avodah Zarah Daf 34B Grape Seed Oil. Given on Mar 31, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Hilchos Tumas Kohen, Shiur 10 Yoreh Deah 373:7-9. Given on Mar 20, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Rav Moshe Aharon Friedman on Purim. Given Mar 23, 2016. Shiur 119 B'din Al Kol Korboncha Takriv Melach, B'inyan Korbon Oileh V'yoired. Given on Mar 13 2016 by Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin. Rav Reisman on Parshas Tetzaveh Given Feb 19, 2016. High Level Shiurim on Choshen Mishpat on Hilchos Shomrim. Completion of Hilchos Shomrim Twenty Four Shiurim. Given by Rav Yosef Friedman, Mir Yerushaliam. HaGoan HaRav Shmuel Brudny Zeichor Tzadek Vekodosh Levracha on Meschetas Yevamos. There are many Shiurim missing from the beginning of Yevamos. Please get in touch with this web site if you have any or if you know of anyone who has recordings of the missing Shiurim and be Mezakeh the Rabbim Yoreh Deah Shiurim Sets given by Rav Reisman. Added Hilchos Niddah given during 5773 and 5774 and Hilchos Melicha. Rav Belsky 9 Shiurim on Parshas Berashis with the Perush of the Ramban. Given 2010 to 2011. Topics in Halacha by Rav Wiesenfeld, Four Shiurim on Sefiras HaOmer Rav Wiesenfeld is Rosh Kollel and Rav at Yeshivas Ateret Yerushalayim and Author of Kashrus in the Kitchen. 48 Shiurim on Dah Mah Shetasiv LeApekoris given by Rav Yisroel Belsky SHLIT"A. 48 Shiurim in one zip file for easy downloading, 425 Megabytes. CD Set of Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth Zip file of all the Shiurim given on Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. CD Sets of all the Shiurim given on Gemorah by Rav Reisman which includes Pesachim, Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, Bava Basra, Makos, Yevamos, Kesubos, Gittin and Kedushin Zip files for all the Gemorah Shiurim by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. CD Set of Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Yisroel Reisman Zip file of all the Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. Hilchos Basar VCholov CD Set, Yoreh Deah Siman 87 - 97 Shiur 1 - 33 compressed as a zip file (457 MB) From Rav Yisroel Reisman. Also see: Hilchos Mikvah, Yoreh Deah Siman 201 Introduction to the construction of a Mikvah (Yoreh Deah 201) from Rav Yisroel Reisman. Shmuel Aleph and Shmuel Beis From Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. Hilchos Niddah Yoreh Deah Set of 47 Shiurim given by Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah Hilchos Niddah during 5773-5774. From Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah (Partial list) Hilchos Basar V'Cholov Yoreh Deah 87-97 Hilchos Ta'aruvos Yoreh Deah 98-109 Hilchos Melicha Yoreh Deah 69-73 Hilchos Macholos AKUM Yoreh Deah 112-115 . From Rav Yisroel Reisman, Blatt Shiurim on the following Masechtos Masechta Kesubos Masechta Gittin Masechta Kiddushin Masechta Bava Kama Masechta Bava Metzia Masechta Bava Basra Masechta Makos Masechta Pesachim Masechta Yevamos Chinuch HaBonim Exceptional Shiurim From Rav Yisroel Belsky. Please note that to go directly to the current Shiur click on the Shiur from the list of Shiurim on the right.
Mar 27, 2016 - Shiurim added - Rav Reisman Haftora Parshas Tzav
  Hilchos Tumas Kohen, Shiur 11 Yoreh Deah 374:1-4. Given on Mar 27, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Haftora Parshas Tzav Shiur 1. Given the week of Mar 21, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Rav Moshe Aharon Friedman on Parshas Vayikra. Given Mar 17, 2016. Mishmar Shiur 63 on Mesechtas Avodah Zarah Daf 34A Mixing Dairy and Meat Dishes. Given on Mar 17, 2016 by Rav Yisroel Reisman. Shiur 119 B'din Al Kol Korboncha Takriv Melach, B'inyan Korbon Oileh V'yoired. Given on Mar 13 2016 by Rav Yaakov Moishe Shurkin. Rav Reisman on Parshas Tetzaveh Given Feb 19, 2016. High Level Shiurim on Choshen Mishpat on Hilchos Shomrim. Completion of Hilchos Shomrim Twenty Four Shiurim. Given by Rav Yosef Friedman, Mir Yerushaliam. HaGoan HaRav Shmuel Brudny Zeichor Tzadek Vekodosh Levracha on Meschetas Yevamos. There are many Shiurim missing from the beginning of Yevamos. Please get in touch with this web site if you have any or if you know of anyone who has recordings of the missing Shiurim and be Mezakeh the Rabbim Yoreh Deah Shiurim Sets given by Rav Reisman. Added Hilchos Niddah given during 5773 and 5774 and Hilchos Melicha. Rav Belsky 9 Shiurim on Parshas Berashis with the Perush of the Ramban. Given 2010 to 2011. Topics in Halacha by Rav Wiesenfeld, Four Shiurim on Sefiras HaOmer Rav Wiesenfeld is Rosh Kollel and Rav at Yeshivas Ateret Yerushalayim and Author of Kashrus in the Kitchen. 48 Shiurim on Dah Mah Shetasiv LeApekoris given by Rav Yisroel Belsky SHLIT"A. 48 Shiurim in one zip file for easy downloading, 425 Megabytes. CD Set of Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth Zip file of all the Shiurim given on Yeshayahu by Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. CD Sets of all the Shiurim given on Gemorah by Rav Reisman which includes Pesachim, Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, Bava Basra, Makos, Yevamos, Kesubos, Gittin and Kedushin Zip files for all the Gemorah Shiurim by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. CD Set of Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Yisroel Reisman Zip file of all the Shiurim on Hilchos Taruvos by Rav Reisman for easy downloading. Hilchos Basar VCholov CD Set, Yoreh Deah Siman 87 - 97 Shiur 1 - 33 compressed as a zip file (457 MB) From Rav Yisroel Reisman. Also see: Hilchos Mikvah, Yoreh Deah Siman 201 Introduction to the construction of a Mikvah (Yoreh Deah 201) from Rav Yisroel Reisman. Shmuel Aleph and Shmuel Beis From Rav Aharon Chaim Lapidoth. Hilchos Niddah Yoreh Deah Set of 47 Shiurim given by Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah Hilchos Niddah during 5773-5774. From Rav Yisroel Reisman on Yoreh Deah (Partial list) Hilchos Basar V'Cholov Yoreh Deah 87-97 Hilchos Ta'aruvos Yoreh Deah 98-109 Hilchos Melicha Yoreh Deah 69-73 Hilchos Macholos AKUM Yoreh Deah 112-115 . From Rav Yisroel Reisman, Blatt Shiurim on the following Masechtos Masechta Kesubos Masechta Gittin Masechta Kiddushin Masechta Bava Kama Masechta Bava Metzia Masechta Bava Basra Masechta Makos Masechta Pesachim Masechta Yevamos Chinuch HaBonim Exceptional Shiurim From Rav Yisroel Belsky. Please note that to go directly to the current Shiur click on the Shiur from the list of Shiurim on the right.

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